Archive for October, 2010

Sadly there will be no new 30 Rock episode this week….or at all due to NBC’s Halloween Special. I’m hoping it’s, It’s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown!, or is that shown on ABC??? Meh, doesn’t matter. I won’t be watching either of them. In honor of Halloween, here is one of my favorite 30 Rock […]

30 Rock did their first live episode!!!! Naturally with most of their actors having live television experience, the show was able to maintain its natural flow and give a rocking performance! The first act immediately begins with Jack telling Liz his conflict: Avery has asked him to quit drinking since she can no longer drink […]

Last Thursday’s episode of 30 Rock perfectly exemplifies how creative and detailed the writing of the show usually is especially through its social commentaries. For example, the main conflicts of the characters are problems many face in society such as the overworked, unappreciated staff member, the politics in media, and the intensely competitive job searched […]

Kenneth has returned in only a way he could manage! Even though, he hasn’t officially been hired back, it is clear he will be returning. His hilarious one-liners have been missed, and I can’t wait for his official return. I wish the show would create a whole episode around him….it would be magical.  Alas this […]

As a tribute to my hero, here is every Liz Lemon flashback from the show!!! 30 Rock perfectly exemplifies how the use of flashbacks can add development to a character in a creative way. I am always in favor of a television showing us a character’s past rather than talking about their past….I mean it […]