The Fabian Strategy

30 Rock is back and it’s going strong!

As usual, the show followed a three act structure centered around the show’s main characters Liz Lemon and Jack Donaghy. As expected, the two characters are happy with the progress of their new relationships (or lack there of in Liz’s case); however, their conflict quickly arrived.  Carroll was forced to stay with Liz in her apartment rather than her preferred setting of Star Wings hotel. While Jack resist Avery’s preferences of wall paper color.

Meanwhile the subplot was filled with other character’s conflicts like Tracy hallucinating Kenneth’s face, and Pete working with new producer Jenna on cutting down the show’s budget.

In the end, most characters were able to resolve their conflict with favorable solutions. Liz and Carroll decide to move their relationship forward by sharing a secret: Liz is on the wait list for adoption and Carroll was touched by a priest (Why?!). Jack and Avery agreed to expand a room rather than choose a wallpaper. Kenneth refused Tracy’s request of coming back to TGS to stay at CBS. While Jenna asked Pete to fire her as producer to save the show money. How cute, she’s maturing.

Overall the show, I enjoyed the episode and like figuring why the writers made certain decisions with their characters. For example, how the writers chose to open the fifth season this year with the characters calling each other to discuss their summer rather than the typical walking around in the studio and sharing. The show also has does a really good of continuity in their story lines. Everything that was dropped off at the last season was picked right back up as if there was never a break. It is refreshing to see on a comedy show where so often each episode has a new story line that has little to no relation to its previous episode.

I also like how the writers dealt with having two celebrity guest stars as important sub-characters. For example, at an attempt to keep Avery relative for the audience,  she was used as a central conflict and discussion with Jack even though she was never seen.

I’m also interested to see where the writers are going to with Kenneth and how he is going to make it back to the show as it is clear he really does want to come back. Also, where were the writers goes with Carroll being touched by a priest? I hope they bring that up again, because it is a disturbing thing to just drop on someone. Also, I hope Jenna’s boyfriend Paul comes back at some point. Guess I’ll have to find out tonight!

2 Responses to “The Fabian Strategy”

  1. Awesome post. I like how you described a variety of species from the show and what the characters were trying to accomplish. It gives me a much better idea about how the show runs so even though I have never seen it I can visualize exactly what you are saying and decide if it is something I’d like to view. The only recommendation I can make is to visually spice up your page. It looks a little gray. It’s good that its not overly distracting but I’d like to see some pictures or maybe some color added here and there. Good Job!

  2. Wow, I think you did a great job of analyzing the episode! And I totally agree about Kenneth. He’s so adorable anyways, why would they ever want to get rid of him?

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